Road 598 – Vagos

Road 598 – Vagos

IN Construction, Engineering
CM Vagos
Sobre o Projeto

The improvement works on Municipal Road 598, which crosses the south of the municipality of Vagos, started today and lasted two years.

Awarded to Manuel Francisco de Almeida, S.A, the contract requalified a nine-kilometer stretch between Rines and Sanchequias, crossing Fonte de Angeão, Ponte de Vagos and Santo André, three of the most important parishes in the municipality of Vagos.

The works covered the extension to six meters of the carriageway, sidewalks, parking lots and a bike path. The route was accompanied by a new network of rainwater and was able to receive optical fiber along the entire route.

In Sanchequias, Ponte de Vagos, Parada de Cima, Fonte de Angeão and Rines roundabouts were created to resolve the main traffic conflict zones on one of the busiest roads in the municipality.